A.RE.S is an VET organization that has been working since 1988 in Campobasso (Italy) providing services both for private and public organizations. It is an accredited body for VET by the Italian Region of Molise. It has a quality system and certification according to the ISO 9001:2008 for training and services. 

Its main expertise is in CAREER GUIDANCE for people of different age and employment condition. 
A.RE.S collaborates with some of the most renowed experts in the field of career guidance and psichnology of labour, such as Leonardo Evangelista (owner and manager of www.orientamento.it) and Nicola Giaconi, author of several success self-help books, such as “Trovare lavoro da timidi” (trad: “How to find a job being shy”, 2016) and co-founder of the national webplatworm of Job Club. 
After a long esperience in providing career guidance services and conducting VET courses for unemployed  adults and young people, during the last 5 years A.RE.S specialized in an innovative empowerment and upskilling methodology that originates from the Job Club methodology. 

A.RE.S called it Job Club +, because it includes self-help, counselling and key training, and tested it on a larger scale within an EU GRUNDTVIG project, before further expanding it in other 2 Erasmus+ projects and other smaller scale initiatives. Vulnerable groups such as long-term unemployed, migrants and NEETs became the focus of A.RE.S’ intervertions, as they need targeted, well designed personalized support. Now A.RE.S can be considered one of the most experienced organization in Europe in this field. 
Hereby the list and short description of the main experiences made by A.RE.S in the field of career guidance, employment support and key training for employment. 

Service provision:
-    1996-2005: Employment and training information services for young people for the Province of Campobasso (Italy)
-    2006-2015: Information, career guidance and emplopyment support services for the Public Job Centers of the Province of Campobasso (Italy)
-    2007-2013: management of the EURODESK office for the Province of Campobasso (Italy)
-    2006-2015: management of the Equal Opportunity Desk for the Province of Campobasso (Italy)

Training courses
-    2012: Special training for adults in the redundancy fund system – building and furniture sectors
-    2013: Career Guidance Expert (funded by the Region of Molise) for unemployed young people
-    2014: in-service training for SMEs (Business English, ICTs, HR management)
-    2016-17: EIPASS ICTs certification training
-    2017: Digital Literacy courses for primary school teachers
-    2017: 6 Youth Guarantee training courses: sale manager, CAD operator, general accountancy and logistic, digital selling 

EU Projects 
-    2011-2012: partner of LLP Leonardo da Vinci Learning Partinership “TRILAMP” project about transparency tools (Europass, ECVET credits) in Europe
-    2013-2015: lead partner of LLP GRUNDTVIG “JOB CLUB +” project about an enhanced job club methodology for unemployed low skilled adults
-    2015-2017: partner of Erasmus+ VET “ECVET goes business” project about HR management and European transparency instruments 
-    2015-2017: lead partner of Erasmus+ Youth “JCNETWORK” project about empowerment of young unemployed people and NEETs in particular
-    2017-2019: lead partner of Erasmus+ Youth “European Youth Jobseeker Community” project about good practices exchange in the field of innovative employment support for young people and NEETs in particular

Please explain your Organization’s potential for  dissemination:
We can inform about the Project through the network in which we participate: E.N.T.E.R European Network for the Transfer of EU projects which has 756 members in 35 countries.
A.RE.S is associated with Confcooperative Molise that is an employers’ organization representing cooperative companies both at local and national levels and it is structured based on 5 federations of regional sectors. 
Cofcooperative Molise involves approximately 150 cooperatives working in different sectors with over than 10,000 members.